Summer Blog Tour 2010

The giveaway associated with the Summer Blog Tour is now closed. Mena (comment #2) was chosen from Congratulations!!! and thank you to everyone who left a comment! If you are interested in purchasing, please email me ( for a special coupon code. Thanks again!
Welcome new readers! Thanks to Holly and Abbey of The Work at Home Woman and Living My Moment for organizing the 60 days of blogs to visit. Do you want to see the line up and follow along? Check the two blogs above for the list!
I am happy to be part of the Summer Blog Tour! I really want to be able to connect with other parents going through similar experiences that I did. It can be difficult (at best) to have a child who has reflux, ear infections, asthma or other medical issues that complicate sleeping and feeding. I hope that by reaching out as a mother and as a professional I can help or just listen. My website has some great resources in addition to the blog. I welcome your comments and feedback and look forward to connecting with you!
I am also doing a giveaway as part of being featured in the Summer Blog Tour. Enter to win a Baby Stay Asleep by leaving a comment below and follow me on either Facebook or Twitter. Please indicate where you are following in your comment. Giveaway ends May 31, 2010. One winner will be chosen at random. Thanks and good luck!