Summer Blog Tour 2010

The giveaway associated with the Summer Blog Tour is now closed. Mena (comment #2) was chosen from Congratulations!!! and thank you to everyone who left a comment! If you are interested in purchasing, please email me ( for a special coupon code. Thanks again!
Welcome new readers! Thanks to Holly and Abbey of The Work at Home Woman and Living My Moment for organizing the 60 days of blogs to visit. Do you want to see the line up and follow along? Check the two blogs above for the list!
I am happy to be part of the Summer Blog Tour! I really want to be able to connect with other parents going through similar experiences that I did. It can be difficult (at best) to have a child who has reflux, ear infections, asthma or other medical issues that complicate sleeping and feeding. I hope that by reaching out as a mother and as a professional I can help or just listen. My website has some great resources in addition to the blog. I welcome your comments and feedback and look forward to connecting with you!
I am also doing a giveaway as part of being featured in the Summer Blog Tour. Enter to win a Baby Stay Asleep by leaving a comment below and follow me on either Facebook or Twitter. Please indicate where you are following in your comment. Giveaway ends May 31, 2010. One winner will be chosen at random. Thanks and good luck!
Reader Comments (20)
Hope you have a fun summer. Off to read more about Baby Stay Asleep. Our angel has been up every night for the past week.
Thanks for the warm welcome! and for letting us discover The Baby Stay Asleep experience which up until now is a fantasy for us.
I am definitively entering your generous giveaway, God knows we badly need it! LOL
Nice meeting you, hope to catch you again soon!
I am following on Twitter, I am @coolchillmom. see you there too!
Hello! I'm here from the Summer Blog Tour. So nice to meet you. :-) I'm following you on Twitter @SpeakableGifts which is the home business that I have with my mom. So interested in The Baby Stay Asleep Experience!
I'm following you on twitter - @MarketMommy
It's nice to 'meet' you! I'm glad that you are pariticpating in the blog tour! Hope to see you when it's my turn later this month :)
Hi ! I'm a new follower on twitter --- @ineedscents. Please do not put me in the drawing because I want your generous offering to go to to someone truly in need, but am happy to follow and support a fellow Mom biz. Best wishes! ~~carleen
Hi! I've been following you on twitter and am excited to see you on the blog tour! You have a great blog and a great product. I'll see you on May 20th (my date). :)
Thanks for all the great comments so far this morning! I'll see you on Twitter, the Summer Blog Tour and Facebook!
I am so excited to see you posting so much on reflux! My daughter had reflux in 1985 and there was very little if nothing to help us with her constant crying and pain. Now my grandson had it and still we had little support until we went back to the doctors I had used many years ago. Thanks for bringing together a great information site. (don't put me in the drawing, leave it for someone who needs it)
Thanks for being part of the Summer Blog Tour! Sleep issues with children are no fun. My daughter has never been a good sleeper. Now that she is 3 she often has nightmares. :-(
I do follow you on Twitter @Holly_Hanna, but like Carleen please do not enter me into the giveaway, as this prize needs to go to mommy truly in need.
I love that I get to meet a new blogger every day with the Summer Blog Tour! My children are sleeping solidly through the night now, so I would love for the prize to go to someone who needs it!! I'm following you on Twitter anyhow, though!
Stopping in and saying HI from the Summer Blog Tour!!! What a great product! It isn't something I need but now I know where to send people with babies that need this! Very cool!!!
Stop in and say HI I was day 2!
Scraps of Life
Just stopping by on the blog tour, what a wonderful way to help little people sleep. Thanks for being a part of the tour!
It is so nice to meet you! What a great blog you have :) I am off to check out more of it!
Hi Beth, I think you have such a great product here! Thanks for being a part of the Summer Blog Tour. I have never really had any issues with my children sleeping, but I know there are many people out there who have this difficulty.
With that being said, please don't enter me in the giveaway! Because I think it should go to someone who really needs it! But I just wanted to say hi and thanks!!!
Coming to you from the Summer Blog Tour!
I'm liking you on fb and following you on twitter.
Monique Burkes/armsofasister
Hello, Beth: I am late on following the Blog Tour. It's very nice to meet you.
Do they say your baby will grow out of the condition or will it be an ongoing issue?
It's a blessing to other parents in the same situation to have you set up your blog and keep them posted.
I have been researching products and found this one tonight....very excited about it. Our 6th child has reflux and has been hospitalized due to complications. I am an RN who is not working right now due the episodes of apnea, reflux and aspiration pneumonia, so I am excited to find a solution that is both safe and affordable! I am following on facebook. Good luck everyone!
Hello! Thanks so much for stopping by my blog on the tour! Good luck with your move and I will definitely let you know if I have any questions about Boston :-D I was already following you on Twitter thanks to seeing you on Mommy Perks before! :)
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