Products That Work Well Together

Sometimes a parent’s question leads to a search for a relevant solution. Or sometimes, weeks after I’ve been asked the question, I just come upon a product that would be the perfect solution. I thought I would share with you one such product.
Recently, a few parents have asked me how to swaddle their baby while using the Baby Stay Asleep. There are many benefits to swaddling a baby for sleeping. It helps a baby feel warm and secure; it can help prevent a baby from throwing his arms up and waking himself, or even scratching his face. Swaddling is an old and common practice. It is mentioned in the popular parenting book "The Happiest Baby on the Block" which I would also recommend!
Anyways, the product I came across is called the SwaddleBuddy Suit. I have not tried this product myself, but it looks like it solves the problem of how to swaddle your baby while using the Baby Stay Asleep. So check it out!
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