For New Parents – Establish Good Sleep Habits Early On

I can’t tell you how many parents I speak with that still have one or more toddlers or children sleeping in their beds or their rooms. Did you know that infants start to develop a working memory for routines at 6 months old? I can’t stress enough the important of establishing good bedtime routines early on. Routines such as dimming the lights, reading a story, playing soft music and/or rocking to sleep; and most importantly having babies sleep in their own cribs starting at 6 months old. If an infant gets use to sleeping in your bed, it is usually a tough routine to change. As someone once said “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure”.
Having said that, this can be difficult if you’re a parent of an infant with reflux or reoccurring ear infections. You are parents who are more likely to be sleep-deprived since your infants don’t sleep well. Elevating the head of the crib can be helpful in getting a good nights rest for all! For infants with reflux, keeping them upright can help reduce the number of reflux episodes. Infants with ear infections need to be upright to help relieve the pressure that causes pain. For more information see the previous blogs and resources on this page and follow me on Facebook and Twitter.
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it is usually a tough routine to change. As someone once said “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure”.-fashion Steve Madden Sandals