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Reaching out to parents of infants in a high tech world 

Today I attend a seminar at the Women’s Business Center in Portsmouth. The topic was ‘Fast Track Your Website Using Search Engine Optimization’. There was 20 of us “newbie” women at this seminar and one woman who thought it was her own private session. She was stuck on the concept of having sites link into your site. While I will admit this was tough to wrap my head around, after the speaker explaining a dozen different ways – it’s time to move on!

What I learned is that is important to build an on-line community to share my experiences with other parents and professionals. Having a Facebook page, Twitter account and a blog on my website is definitely going to positively effect how I reach out to parents and how parents find me. I am feeling slightly more comfortable with terms such as social media, SEO and web 2.0.  So if I can do, anyone can do it!

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Reader Comments (2)

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I just sent this post to a bunch of my friends as I agree with most of what you’re saying here and the way you’ve presented it is awesome. lwrklt lwrklt - supra vaiders.

December 6, 2011 | Unregistered Commenterzdbzkb zdbzkb

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